Floating – a journey into self discovery
My floating journey started 1 year ago when the Float Centre in the Forest of Dean first opened.
I was sceptical and nervous as I suffer from claustrophobia but from the moment you enter the
Centre – Shari and Will owners and hosts make you feel at ease by their calm aura and friendly approach by explaining of what to expect during your experience.
It’s your experience; you are in control and dedicated me time for self care.
My first float was amazing – the lights,music, the pod lid nearly shut as feeling brave and your body just feels like its melting away into the water as you relax. You are able to easily stretch out within the pod and just float …..letting the tension, stress, pain, muscle aches just ease away. Pure bliss – it felt like someone had a magic wand and taken all the trials of life away. I was unable to completely switch my mind off from everything but was informed that was normal as my brain and senses were on alert of what was going to happen next.
From that first float until today – I am now a regular floataholic with a monthly membership and often fit in extra sessions for some me time particularly after a mentally and physically tiring week at work.
Floating’s greatest benefit to me has been its therapeutic affect when I injured my knee last summer, have spent months in pain and reduced mobility in which I have now thankfully had surgery for. During this time it has been one of my main complimentary therapies alongside with a soft tissue therapist that has helped me to remain functional to enable me to perform my job and keep sane!
Every time I floated the pain and discomfort just melted away – resulting in a more relaxed, peaceful me. It also has been very beneficial during my knee surgery recovery and rehabilitation in alleviating the soreness and helping with range of movement plus the additional benefit of a good night’s sleep too.
For me each float experience is different – dependant on the kind of week I have had – from just been able to relax your whole body and feeling totally weightless to falling asleep and been woken up by the music and wondering where did that hour go!!
Happy, peaceful floating. x