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John Lilly, a float pod, and beautiful mountains

Beliefs Unlimited Adventure

Transcend your limiting beliefs using the words of John Lilly, inventor of the float tank, spoken in your own voice. You will record the words before your first float in this 5 float series, then upload your recording and we will transfer it to a pair of state of the art bone-conducting headphones. You will then hear this during the first few minutes of your float, before continuing your voyage into the powerful silence, while the induction works its magic on your unconscious. Then upon emerging transformed, the new you will record a new version of the induction, which will form the foundation of your next float. The cumulative power of your self-induced evolution will grow and develop over the series of five floats.

Valid for 5 months from date of purchase.

If you have not floated with us before, then your first float in the series will be without listening to the induction. This is to allow you to become familiar with float environment, otherwise the novelty of the experience of floating might distract from the words.

Once you have bought this package we will send you an email with more information, then give you a call to answer any questions and help you book in your series of floats.

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