Terms and conditions
Please read these before buying or bookingTerms & conditions
Last updated 27th January 2025
You must understand and agree to these terms and conditions to be able to use Float in the Forest’s services.
You cannot accept these terms and conditions on behalf of any one else.
You must be a competent adult aged over 18 years old to be able to use any of Float in the Forest’s services.
We (Float in the Forest) need you (the customer) to agree to our terms and conditions otherwise you will not be able to use any of our services. We hope you appreciate that there is a good reason for all the conditions. We aim to communicate them here in plain language. If you have any questions, or if anything is unclear, please contact us for clarification.
Please read the following conditions carefully before placing an order or booking on our website or by phone. By placing an order or booking you accept these terms and conditions.
There will be wet and potentially slippery surfaces at the Float in the Forest premises. You must behave with due care and attention during your visit.
If you have a health condition, and are in any doubt about whether you can use any of Float in the Forest’s services safely, please consult your doctor before booking.
You must not float if you:
- are under the influence of any drug including alcohol
- have open wounds, sores, or rashes
- have any contagious illness or disease*
- have incontinence
- have uncontrolled kidney disease
- have uncontrolled psychosis or schizophrenia
- have an uncontrolled seizure disorder
- have an uncontrolled heart condition
- have recently had chemotherapy
- have a condition which means you shouldn’t get water in your ears
- are allergic to Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) or hydrogen peroxide
- are in the first trimester of pregnancy
In the event that you have one of these conditions, you must consult your healthcare professional to get confirmation from them that it is safe for you to float and that by floating you would not put others at risk. If your healthcare professional requires more information about floatation before they can make this judgement, please given them this document which explains floatation.
If you develop one of these health conditions in future, you will no longer be allowed to float without the go ahead from your healthcare professional.
If floating while on your period, you must use a tampon or menstrual cup to control your flow, as you would in a swimming pool. If you use a tampon please ensure it is fully inserted.
If you suffer from severe motion sickness in other circumstances (e.g. in a boat or car), there is a chance you could suffer from it in the pod. If you usually use medication to control your motion sickness in these circumstances, you may wish to consider doing so in the case of floating.
If you are diabetic, please be aware that floating reduces the cortisol level in the body, which in turn lowers blood sugar levels.
Floating reduces your blood pressure, so if you already have low blood pressure please take extra care when exiting the pod. Sit up, then pause to assess yourself before standing.
For your comfort, we also recommend that you do not float soon after:
- Caffeine (within the last 4 hours)
- A large meal within the last hour or so
- Waxing (eg within last 24 – 48 hours)
- Shaving (eg within last 12 – 24 hours)
- Recent vigorous sex
- Giving birth (before you have healed)
- A new piercing or tattoo (If your tattoo or piercing is not fully healed, it is going to sting when it comes into contact with the salty water. We advise that you wait 3 – 4 weeks after getting your tattoo or piercing, before floating. As a test, try applying hand sanitiser to the area. If it stings, you’ll want to wait a little longer before you get in the float pod)
You must not use the stroboscopic light machine if you:
- have ever personally suffered from epilepsy or had a seizure
- have any family history of epilepsy or seizures
- have any psychological or psychiatric conditions
- have ever had any brain injuries or brain surgery
- have ever had a stroke
- Are taking prescribed medication. (Including for anxiety, depression, sleep, or any photosensitive medication)
- have ever suffered with vertigo lasting more than a few minutes
- have insomnia or are sleep deprived
- have any contagious illness or disease*
- are pregnant
- have had laser treatment to your face or eyes in the month leading up to the light session
- have taken any recreational or psychoactive drugs in the 24 hours leading up to the light session
- have consumed any alcohol in the 24 hours leading up to the light session
In the event that one of the above applies to you, then the stroboscopic light machine is not suitable for you without further information and/or confirmation from your healthcare professional that it is safe for you to use it. By making a booking you confirm that none of the above statements applies to you and also that you understand that :
- the stroboscopic light machine is not a medical or psychological therapy and is not intended as a treatment or remedy for any condition
- there is a statistical chance of 1 in 3000 that you could be sensitive to flickering light and that this in rare cases could lead to a seizure
Receiving Instruction on Floating
You must have received instruction on what is required when you float, before you first float. This is for your own safety. You must watch the instruction video before you come for your first float. If you arrive and have not yet watched the video you will be required to watch it before you float, which may reduce the time available for your float. The video is about 14 minutes in duration.
Float Intake form
You must complete an intake form before you first float. Please complete this before you come for your first float. If you arrive and have not yet completed an intake form you will be required to do so before you float, which may reduce the time available for your float.
Stroboscopic light safety form
Upon arrival at the Float in the Forest premises and prior to using the stroboscopic light machine you will be required to truthfully complete a safety questionnaire which includes personal information regarding your health. Depending on your answers you may need to openly discuss your health conditions with the person providing the light session and by making a booking you agree you are happy to do this.
You must behave appropriately during your visit to Float in the Forest’s premises and in your communications with Float in the Forest. This means that you will follow the reasonable instructions of the staff. You will show respect to the staff, facilities and fellow customers at Float in the Forest. If in the judgement of the staff your behaviour is inappropriate you may be asked to leave, in which case you will comply. In this circumstance you will not be eligible for a refund.
You will not consume any intoxicating substance on the premises, including alcohol.
You are required to have a shower and wash thoroughly (including your hair) before you float. You must not use any conditioner when you shower before you float (you are of course welcome to use your own products and conditioner after your float). You must thoroughly remove any and all fake tan products from your whole body before floating.
You accept that you may get salt water in your ears when you float, even if you choose to wear earplugs, and you agree to rinse the salt water out of your ears thoroughly in the shower afterwards.
You must not put anything into the float solution except your body. You must not add any perfumes, essential oils, bath salts, chemicals, or any other substance to the float solution. You must remove any makeup before floating. We also ask that you take off any jewellery that can be removed.
You agree to pay up to £1639 towards the cost of making good the pod and solution, and offsetting lost income if you contaminate the float solution in any way.
You agree to pay for any property damage you may cause including replacement towels if you mark them with hair dye or fake tan, and removal of any marks to the surface of the float pods due to contact with your nail varnish.
You are also responsible for your own belongings during your visit.
Hair Dye
You must be certain that no hair dye will come out of your hair when you float.
This is because it can contaminate the float solution and stain the float pod.
It is costly to put this right, because it involves dumping the contaminated float solution, working to remove the stain, and refilling with fresh water and Epsom salt and reheating. This takes 36-48 hours, and any floats planned during that time will need to be rescheduled, resulting in lost income.
By coming to float you accept liability for any such costs, and you agree to pay them immediately they are incurred. These costs will be at least £1639.
Different types of dyes take different amounts of washing to get to the point where no colour comes out any more, so the period of time since you dyed your hair and the number of times you have washed it are not the only considerations.
Some ways to test at home before you come to float include ensuring that no colour comes out of your hair in the water when you shower, and that no colour comes off on a white towel when you vigorously dry your hair.
If you arrive for your float and the staff have concerns that colour may come out of your hair when you float, you may not be allowed to float. You may be invited to test that no colour comes out by allowing a small part of your hair to be soaked in Epsom salt solution, and rubbed with a white towel. If you decline to test your hair, or if any colour comes off when tested, then you will not be allowed to float. There is no way around this, and wearing a swimming cap will not help. You will not receive any refund, and you will not be able to reschedule.
It is up to you to make sure that no hair dye will come out of your hair when you float, and if in any doubt do not book until you are sure.
Float in the Forest is on the ground floor, predominantly on a level, with some 1:12 ramps. You must be capable of independently moving around the float centre safely.
Getting in and out of the float pod is similar to getting in and out of a bath. You must be able to do this unaided, or be accompanied by someone who is qualified and insured to help you with this.
If you are accompanying someone to help them to get in or out of the pod, or to move around the centre safely, then you cannot float at the same time as them.
The stroboscopic light sessions are provided in a room which is up one step, so you must be able to safely negotiate this step to receive a light session. If you book a light session for two people those two people will receive the session lying on matresses at floor level, so both people must be able to safely recline on the matresses and get back up again. Those receiving the light sessions must be able to make the necessary movements unaided, or be accompanied by someone who is qualified and insured to help them do so.
Conditions of booking
Full payment is due at the point of booking.
Booked appointments are non-refundable.
Packages are non-refundable.
Packages are non-transferable, unless explicitly stated otherwise in the description of the package.
If you arrive late for your appointment we cannot guarantee that you will be able to receive the full duration of the service. If you are very late, you may not be able to receive any service at all.
You must not come to the Float in the Forest premises if you develop COVID-19 symptoms after booking but prior to your appointment. You must inform us by phone as soon as you develop symptoms, with as much notice as possible.
If you give less than the minimum required notice you will not be able to cancel or reschedule. If you give less than minimum required notice and fail to attend your appointment, you are not entitled to any refund. If you booked the appointment using a credit you have on account, then that credit will be spent.
Minimum 48 hours notice is required to cancel or reschedule a single float or a ‘Bring a Friend’
If you book a float appointment and need to cancel or reschedule that appointment, you must phone 01594 715215 to let us know at least 48 hours in advance of the appointment time. You must leave a voicemail message if invited to do so. You cannot reschedule your float appointment more than 3 times.
If you cancel your paid float appointment with more than 48 hours notice you will receive a credit in the form of a unique code with an expiry date of a minimum of 3 months in the future. You can use this code to to rebook a new float appointment. If you cancel a booking made using a package or gift card you can use the same code to rebook on a date prior to the expiry date of the package or gift card.
Bookings coordinating more than 2 people are subject to longer notice periods if you want to reschedule, see below.
Minimum 72 hours notice is required to cancel or reschedule your light session for one or two people
If you book a stroboscopic light machine appointment and need to cancel or reschedule that appointment, you must phone 01594 715215 to let us know at least 72 hours in advance of the appointment time. You must leave a voicemail message if invited to do so. You can only reschedule your stroboscopic light machine appointment once.
If you cancel your paid stroboscopic light machine appointment with more than 72 hours notice you will receive a credit in the form of a unique code with an expiry date of a minimum of 3 months in the future. You can use this code to to rebook a new stroboscopic light machine appointment.
Stroboscopic light machine appointments are only available on a limited number of dates as specified by Float in the Forest, and any future dates may not yet be specified at the time you wish to cancel or reschedule your appointment.
Minimum 96 hours notice is required to cancel or reschedule a Trio float (4 full days)
If any of the trio cannot attend their float, then a substitute person may float in their place if the substitute provides their first name, last name, confirmation they meet and agree to all the terms and conditions, and an intake form they have personally read and completed in advance of the appointment.
If you book a Trio float appointment and need to cancel or reschedule that appointment, you must phone 01594 715215 to let us know at least 96 hours in advance of the appointment time. You must leave a voicemail message if invited to do so. You can only reschedule your Trio float appointment once, so please take care when selecting a new date.
If you cancel your paid Trio float appointment with more than 96 hours notice you will receive a credit in the form of a unique code with an expiry date of a minimum of 3 months in the future. You can use this code to to rebook a new Trio float appointment.
If you use a pack of three floats or a three float gift card to book three simultaneous floats this is equivalent to a Trio float and is subject to the same 96 hours notice period to cancel or reschedule. If you cancel a booking made using a package or gift card you can use the same code to rebook on a date prior to the expiry date of the package or gift card.
Bookings coordinating more than 3 people are subject to longer notice periods if you want to reschedule, see below.
Coordinated bookings
A coordinated booking is any set of bookings that involves more than 3 people, where any of those who will be floating or any of those making the bookings have any communication with one another.
Only exact multiples of 3 appointment slots are permitted when making a coordinated booking. This means a coordinated booking must be for either 6 floats or 9 floats. All bookings coordinating more than 3 people must constitute booking all 3 pods in consecutive appointment slots.
Coordinated bookings cannot be made by email.
The person or persons making the bookings accept full responsibility for those they are booking on behalf of, including making a commitment to a particular time and date on their behalf, confirming they meet and agree to the terms and conditions, and agreeing to pay for any damages they cause. The person or persons making the bookings must provide the first and last name of all individuals who will be floating at the point of booking.
The person making the booking also accepts responsibility for ensuring that all the the individuals they book for personally read and complete the intake form at least 72 hours before the time of the first float appointment.
To reschedule a booking coordinating 6 people you must give a minimum of 14 complete days notice.
To reschedule a booking coordinating 9 people you must give a minimum of 21 complete days notice.
A coordinated booking can only be rescheduled as a single block. If you give less notice than this you will not be able to reschedule. As with all bookings, no refund will be made. You can only reschedule a coordinated booking once, so please take care when selecting a new date.
If any individuals cannot attend their float, then a substitute person may float in their place if the substitute provides their first name, last name, mobile phone number, email address, confirmation they meet and agree to all the terms and conditions, and an intake form they have personally read and completed in advance of the appointment.
The lounge is for the quiet enjoyment of all people who have just experienced a float or light session, so those who have not yet floated or had their light session cannot wait in the lounge prior to their float. The lounge seats a maximum of 6 people. Those involved in the coordinated booking will not have exclusive use of the lounge because there may be people present who had a float or light session earlier in the day. Please ensure all those you are booking on behalf of respect the interests of all users of the lounge and keep volume to a minimum.
No food or drink may be be consumed on the premises other than that provided by Float in the Forest.
All people involved in the coordinated booking must leave the premises by 2.5 hours after the last appointment time.
Any booking involving coordinating more than 3 people is subject to these conditions. If multiple bookings are made separately without communicating to us that they are coordinated, they nonetheless remain subject to these terms.
*Coronavirus (COVID-19)
You must not visit the Float in the Forest premises if
- You currently have COVID -19
- You suspect that you may have COVID -19
- You recently had COVID-19 and less than 7 days has elapsed since your first positive COVID-19 test or the beginning of your symptoms
- You have been in contact with anyone in the last 7 days who had COVID-19 symptoms or who had their first positive covid test in the 7 days preceding your contact
- You are self-isolating due to COVID-19
- You have been advised to shield at home
COVID-19 symptoms include:
- Continuous dry cough
- Fever / high temperature
- Loss of, or change in normal sense of taste or smell
Please follow best practice to minimise the risk of transmission of COVID-19, including:
- Using the hand sanitiser provided upon arrival in reception (after removing your shoes)
- Being mindful of social distance from others when at the Float in the Forest premises
- Covering your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue when you cough or sneeze
- Avoiding touching surfaces unnecessarily
- You are free to choose whether you wish to wear a face covering
You must conform to current legislation relating to COVID-19.
If you have recently been in an environment where there is a high risk of COVID-19 such as working in a ‘frontline’ job in the NHS or care sector, you must change your clothes and shower before coming to the Float in the Forest premises.
By coming to the Float in the Forest premises you accept and agree that:
- Float in the Forest is taking reasonable measures to mitigate the risk of transmission or coronavirus (COVID-19),
- you will personally take all reasonable actions to mitigate the risk of transmission, and
- you choose to visit the Float in the Forest premises at your own risk.
You must not come to the Float in the Forest premises if you develop COVID-19 symptoms or a positive test after booking but prior to your appointment. You must inform us by phone as soon as you develop symptoms, with as much notice as possible, so that we can reschedule your appointment.
You must inform us by phone if you develop any symptoms in the days following your appointment.
The minimum age to use any of Float in the Forest’s services is 18. We may require you to produce photo ID as proof of age.
You will need to provide the following personal information:
- First name
- Last name
- Email address
- Phone number
- Date of birth
- A declaration regarding the health conditions relevant to the service you wish to use
You consent to us storing this information in accordance with our privacy statement.
If your circumstances change (including name, email address, etc) you must inform us before you next use our services.
When you visit this website it places pieces of data on your device called cookies. Some of these cookies are used to track the actions you take on the website (such as which pages you visit). Information about these actions is recorded by Google and Facebook, who provide Float in the Forest with anonymised summaries about the actions of visitors to this website. Float in the Forest uses these insights to help our efforts to bring the benefits of floatation to as many people as possible. By using this website you consent to this.
We aim to ensure all prices and website content are accurate at all times, but if we make a mistake we may not be able to honour it.
Everyone’s experience of the services we provide can be different. It can take a little time to get used to the effects and really feel the benefits. We ask that you have no expectations. Please be aware that any expectations you may have about the nature of your experience may not be fulfilled. You may have unforeseeable experiences.
We will do our best to ensure that you enjoy your experience at Float in the Forest, but if you have any complaints please talk to us on the day, or send us an email as soon as possible afterwards. We will endeavour to respond to your email within 48 hours, and to work the issue through to a conclusion that we are all happy with.
Offers & deals
Referral programme
For every 5 new floaters you refer, you will earn a free float. In order to qualify for the free float, the people you have referred must put your name down in the ‘how did you hear about us’ box of the waiver form, when they come for their first float. A referral only counts if the person has never floated before at Float in the Forest.
Gift cards
Gift cards are non-refundable. The period of validity is clearly stated in the description of the gift card. Gift cards may only be used for a service which takes place on a date before the expiry date. Expiry dates are fixed and will not be extended. After the expiry date the gift card is no longer valid and cannot be used. The person receiving the gift card must agree to these terms and conditions before they can use our services.
Float Membership
Here’s a summary of what you get as a float member:
- 1 float per month
- The right to buy additional floats at a discounted rate
- No contract, and no setup fee
- Unused floats roll over and do not expire while you remain a member (if you joined prior to 5th April 2022)
- Unused floats roll over and expire after 12 months, while you remain a member (if you joined on or after 5th April 2022)
- Discount off retail goods, except original artworks (if you joined prior to 5th April 2022)
- Discount off 3 hour floats (if you joined prior to 5th April 2022)
- The freedom to exchange 2 float credits for on ‘long float’ of up to 3 hours (if you joined on or after 5th April 2022)
You cannot purchase a membership on someone else’s behalf. By signing up for membership you consent to receive occasional emails about member-only special offers and deals, and other membership-related information.
When you sign up to membership, you will need to input details of a debit or credit card which is in your name. These are securely stored by our payment processor Stripe. The card will be charged the monthly membership fee on the day of the month that you signed up. Months are charged in advance. Paid membership fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable.
You can cancel membership at any time, though we do ask that you stick with it for at least four months. Cancellation can be done via a link in the membership emails or by telephone. If you choose to cancel your membership, any remaining float credits will expire 6 months after the date of cancellation.
Memberships are not shareable, and floats purchased as part of a membership can only be used by the individual member.
If we don’t hear from you for an extended period of time we may cancel your membership. You will be notified of this by email and you will have 6 months from that date to use any credits remaining on your account.
If there is any change in your card details you can update them by following the ‘change or cancel subscription’ link in your monthly payment confirmation email, or by letting us know the new card details by telephone.
If your membership payment fails (for example due to insufficient funds or a change in your card details) you will receive an automated email notification letting you know that your membership has been cancelled. Please remedy the cause of the problem and let us know by telephone within 14 days to in order regain your membership privileges, otherwise your membership will remain cancelled and you will have 6 months from the date your memebership payment failed to use any credits remaining on your account.
Thank you
Phew! Well, that got a bit heavy in places, but it’s all important stuff. Thanks for reading this far, we appreciate it. Let us know if you have any questions, or if there is anything you don’t understand. We are looking forward to welcoming you to Float in the Forest.