Floatation for problem solving and greater mental clarity

Floating is a powerful tool for quiet contemplation

Floating for greater mental clarity

The ‘always-on’ culture

Where do you go, to do a bit of problem solving? In a busy environment it can be tough to get the clarity of mind we need.

We are nearly always bombarded with distractions. From the incessant ping of messages, to the possibility of a call at any time thanks to almost universal mobile phone coverage.

The ‘always-on’ culture and the ubiquity of computers and smartphones has created the expectation of a quick response.  As a result for some people this can lead to a background level of anxiety.  You might feel an impulse to frequently check for updates and messages.

Overwhelming amounts of input

Our modern civilisation is full of demands upon our attention, and probably for many of us they are unavoidable.

Advertising springs from screens, billboards, and shop windows.  Bosses, co-workers or customers ask things of us.

Ultimately our natural desire to respond can relegate our own concerns to second place.


Too much multi-tasking

Our thoughts are pulled to and fro by all these stimuli.

Managing these constant and mounting demands often involves switching tasks frequently, or multi-tasking.  With all those ‘pending’ things at the back of the mind, it can sometimes feel like we don’t have the time or attention to do any really effective problem solving.  No wonder we can sometimes feel overwhelmed!


“It’s like having lots of windows open on your computer:

resources are tied up by the thoughts running in the background, so we have less mental energy at our disposal to bring to the task at hand.”

Undivided attention

Sometimes you need to be able to really clearly see all the factors affecting a decision.  Problem solving requires your undivided attention.

We need some headspace to ponder, free from the hubbub of the world.

But finding a place to truly focus without interruption or distraction can be a real challenge.

Floating can help

Floating offers a space for quiet contemplation, and a time which is yours alone.  It is a respite away from all those demands upon your attention, an escape to peace and calm.

You float effortlessly on the surface of warm salty water. Your weight is completely supported, so you feel no pressure anywhere.   The water is skin temperature, so that after a while you can’t feel where you end and the water begins.  The distractions of sound and light are minimised.

The float environment reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol.  It can soothe away anxiety, allowing you to relax and focus.

This is a powerful tool for you to use as you wish.

Above all, floating enables true focus:

for improved decision-making, effective problem-solving, deeper insight, and freedom of mind.

Here is the clarity you need to make real progress.


In the world of business and work, being pressed for time has become a badge of honour for some.  This can be at the price of stressful feelings of time-scarcity.

However, being able to stop the inefficiency of multi-tasking, and to truly focus on a single mental challenge, ultimately gives a huge boost in productivity.

Whether it’s finding the solution to a problem, coming up with a new way of selling a product, or knowing which way to go on a tough decision, floatation can give you the edge you need.  Taking the time for a float is an investment which soon pays dividends.


The quietude of floatation can boost your problem-solving abilities, by providing the uninterrupted concentration required to reach the solution.

From something as concrete as how to arrange the seating for your wedding guests, to something as abstract as improving the algorithm of a piece of software you are writing, floating can help.

The flow state

It becomes easier to enter that ‘flow state’ in the absence of any distractions.

Engineers and architects have been able to build and test their designs in their imagination, thanks to the power of the float environment to augment their abilities.

You can harness the power of floatation to achieve your goals.

A gateway to intuition

Sometimes solving a problem or coming to a decision is not a conscious process, not even something which is thought out.

Floating can create the space for inspiration to occur, a void to allow the subconscious to gestate a solution.

It is fascinating how people can emerge from the tank simply knowing with quiet certainty what to do: naturally, without any deliberate introspection.

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