Beliefs Unlimited Adventure
Explore beyond relaxation and drop your limiting beliefs
Beliefs Unlimited
We are pleased to invite you to explore beyond relaxation and drop your limiting beliefs with the ‘Beliefs Unlimited’ adventure. This is something very special. The power of float tank inventor John Lilly’s words spoken in your own voice, plus our state of the art technology, empowers you to transcend limitation over a series of five floats.
The receptive state arising during floatation combines with the strong identification with your own voice to foster a deep acceptance of the message. This power accumulates through a cycle of conscious repetition, and unconscious acceptance, supported by the calm confidence of the post-float glow.
What wonders will emerge into your life when your beliefs are unlimited?
What is included in the package?
- The opportunity to drop your limiting beliefs and discover greater freedom in your life
- The cumulative benefits of floating regularly, and the super-receptive state floatation provides so you can deeply absorb the message
- Our support in creating your personalised bespoke recordings in your own voice, and through your beliefs unlimited journey
- The use of our state of the art technology, including bone-conducting headphones and i-sopod float pods

How does Beliefs Unlimited work?
You read the words out loud in your own voice, and record yourself speaking them. We put your recording onto a pair of state of the art waterproof bone-conducting headphones. Then you listen to your recording in the pod at the start of your float, before enjoying the peace and quiet of the rest of your float as usual. When you are floating, your mind can enter into a very receptive state, which can allow the meaning of what you say to be deeply absorbed.
Then you emerge from your float, go into a private room, and make a second recording of the same words. But now you are a different person, so you may discover the words to have a richer meaning after your float, and you may find the way in which you speak those words differs. Chill out in the lounge for a while, then head out into your life, where you may notice differences in yourself and the world.
When you return for your next float, at the beginning you will listen to the recording you made after your previous float, then make another new recording afterwards. And so the process is repeated five times: each time you speak the words anew, as a different person to the one who spoke them previously, and each time you float you hear the words afresh, allowing their power to be absorbed more deeply. You may find the cumulative effects of this iterative process both surprising and delightful. After your fifth beliefs unlimited float, you will make a final sixth recording to use whenever and however you wish, as you continue to expand your life and your explorations.

Where did Beliefs Unlimited come from?
John Lilly invented the floatation tank back in 1954. He used it as a tool to explore the nature of his consciousness, and he developed models to describe his experiences and to help others in their explorations. He used the metaphor of the human being as a biological computer, running programmes which determine human behaviour and experiences.
He discovered that many of the programmes he found running in his biocomputer seemed to have accumulated accidentally, rather than through any conscious choice on his part. Some of these accidentally accumulated programmes when taken together we might usually call ‘the self’.
He wondered what would unfold if he adopted the notion that these programmes could be changed by other programmes, what he called ‘metaprogrammes’, and he found that he could adopt the role of ‘self-metaprogrammer’ to direct those changes. He expanded upon these ideas in his book ‘Programming and Metaprogramming the Human Biocomputer’. When applied, these ideas can come to life as practical tools for exploring one’s own consciousness.
Become more open and expand your possibilities
Lilly was keen to not only avoid programming others, but to empower them to discover their own programmes and their own abilities to reprogramme themselves.
Among the many tools he left for us was a piece of writing entitled ‘Beliefs Unlimited’. This is a form of words which we can use to help us drop limiting beliefs. It is expressed in broad terms, so rather than rejecting any specific existing beliefs or adopting any particular new beliefs, it enables us instead to allow our belief systems to become more open and expansive. In this way it offers us an opportunity to go beyond any programmes which we may have adopted accidentally or unconsciously in the past.
We could usefully envisage it as dissolving our limiting beliefs, whatever they might be, and regardless of whether we are aware of them or not, even those unknown constraints which might be below our conscious awareness.

What happens when I buy the Beliefs Unlimited Adventure?
- We will send you an email with more information, then give you a call to answer any questions and help you book in your series of floats.
- You will float five times in regular succession. Once a week or once a fortnight works well.
- Before the first float you will record the ‘beliefs unlimited’ words in your own voice.
- You will listen to the recording on bone-conducting headphones as you begin your first float (so you can use earplugs if you wish).
- After your first you will record yourself speaking the ‘beliefs unlimited’ words again. Then that recording is played back during your second float, and so on.
- Each time, directly after your float, you will record your voice in the post-float state, and that recording will begin the subsequent float.
If you have not floated with us before, then your first float in the series will be without listening to the induction. This is to allow you to become familiar with float environment, otherwise the novelty of the experience of floating might distract from the words.