Floatation therapy for improved health
Floatation offers preventative benefits and treatment for mental and physical healthFloatation therapy for improved health
Physical and mental health benefits
Floatation therapy offers many health benefits, including both the physical and psychological.
You are completely supported by the water which is saturated in Epsom salt. The body is supported uniformly, and so there is no pressure bearing anywhere. As a result, the circulation improves, carrying vital materials throughout the body, and accelerating the healing process. Consequently the heart rate and blood pressure reduces.
The floatation environment is free of external stimuli and physical demands on the body. This means that resources which are usually expended on constant background activities such as staying upright or assessing risks, are freed up to be used for healing and recuperation instead. The body experiences a powerfully restorative state of rest when unencumbered by the need to resist gravity or monitor its surroundings.
Floating empowers the body to heal itself by stimulating the parasympathetic response.

Reduced stress and cortisol
Floatation therapy especially helps with problems involving the autonomic nervous system. This might include issues such as insomnia, stress symptoms, dysfunctions of the skeleto-muscular system, and chronic headaches.
Levels of the ‘stress hormone’ cortisol are reduced. Cortisol is useful, but many people have a perpetually elevated level.
Elevated cortisol levels are associated with a greater risk of depression, hypertension, heart disease, stroke and infectious diseases. High levels of cortisol can also exacerbate rheumatoid arthritis, cancer and multiple sclerosis.

Fun can be healthy!
A regular floating practice is pleasant, relaxing and fun. But furthermore by reducing cortisol levels, it helps to improve your physical and mental health. With our fast-paced lifestyles packed with demands upon our attention, prevention of stress-related disease is vitally important.
Floatation therapy is the ultimate in relaxation.
It provides a reliable gateway to peace and calm, and a powerful antidote to stress.
Benefits of relaxation
Your muscles, joints and bones are released from the effects of gravity. Muscle tension is reduced. Rehabilitation from injury is accelerated and pain is reduced.
By reducing recovery time, floating can help improve your performance in sport, and can therefore enable you to enjoy your exercise and train more effectively.

Floating can help with pain, anxiety and sleep
Floatation therapy offers relief from the chronic pain of conditions such as fibromyalgia, back pain, arthritis, and sciatica.
It can reduce anxiety, help with PTSD, and even offers an opportunity to address destructive thought patterns and habits.
Floating can also bring better sleep, leading to better rest, faster recovery and improved health.
This is a place you can truly rest, a time which is yours alone. Above all, you emerge feeling energised, rejuvenated, and revitalised.