I can’t count how many times I have spoken to someone about floating…

It’s easily a 3 digit number by now. Many people‘s responses to my limitless enthusiasm for floating are more like:

‘I would not survive in my head for an hour’,
‘Why would you want to be closed in a pod with no sound?!’
‘Why would you spend money on something like this?!’

and if they got convinced by my ‘just trust me and give it a try…’ their mind is changed forever… not their opinion, their entire MIND…

The float tank does not have a limit to what is possible. However strangely this sounds you can have an incredibly relaxing experience, which leaves your body so chilled as if you had a solid best 10 hours of sleep.

You can feel refreshed, reenergized, invigorated and your senses sharpened.

You can have unexpected epiphany solving creative problems and projects that you’ve been working on.

You can witness old trauma and finally look at it from a more mature perspective leaving you in a blissful state for even a few days.

You can reconnect with the wonderful creation that is your own, so often very much unappreciated, body.

These were just a few gifts I received from floating.

Yet the more I got into it the more unexpected benefits I experienced 😀

The consciousness exploration is my favourite activity in the tank. If you were ever interested in meditation or personal development tank will accelerate your progress greatly.

When I first heard about floating on Tim Ferris’s podcast I was curious. The first tank I found was too hot and yet I still got enough benefit out of it to continue my search. Floating in a second place while the receptionist was having an argument on the phone felt as if someone was in the bathroom with me while I was having a bath… LOL 😀 So I and my partner ended up driving to a third place and doing a 3 hour round trip for every float. It was totally worth it yet recommending floating to friends was hard. ‘You have to try floating it’s only 3 hours of sitting in the car so that you can spend 1 hour in the pod…’ Understandably none got convinced 😀

I was desperate to share this incredible activity with EVERYONE. As I ‘dived’ deeper I saw how much my complex PTSD has lost its power and eventually completely ‘left’ in the tank. I also used the tank after heavy Krav Maga training camp, which normally would leave my body in pain for 3 days. After the float, it felt as if I got a brand new body and was able to get back into training immediately.

I was frustrated that we couldn’t find any good tanks nearby and even considered putting one in my garage to be able to share it with friends and family. Luckily that month I saw that Float in the Forest is opening and it was a dream come true. THEY GOT IT RIGHT! From the beautiful logos to the tranquil setting, art and two beautiful souls genuinely caring about you and your experience. Everything about the Float in the Forest was PERFECT.

That was a love from the first sight 😀 The whole floating centre, Will, Shari and what they stand for.

So… Why do I spend so much money on being in a pod?

Because life free of addictions, drama patterns and my own shadows is absolutely blissful.

I would love EVERYONE to be as happy as I am and floating is one of the most powerful tools I have discovered on my journey.

May the bliss of after float be with you 😉

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