by floatintheforest | Apr 2, 2021 | Book Review
Book review: Floating in Quiet Darkness by Lee and Glenn Perry How the Floatation Tank has changed our lives and is changing the world This book will be enjoyed and valued by many, not only those with an interest in floatation. For everyone loves a good story, and...
by floatintheforest | Mar 2, 2017 | Book Review, Health, Mental Health, Recovery
Book review: Unsinkable, by Emily Noren An insight into eating disorders This week is Eating Disorder Awareness week (27th Feb – 5th March 2017). So I wanted to learn a bit more about these terrible mental health conditions, which affect over 725,000 people in...
by floatintheforest | Feb 8, 2017 | Book Review, Health, Mental Clarity, Mental Health, Recovery, Relaxation, Research
Book review: The Float Tank Cure, by Shane Stott An introduction to floating The Float Tank Cure has everything you need for a concise introduction to floatation, in one small, easily-digestible volume. It is written in extremely accessible language, almost as if...