by floatintheforest | Jun 11, 2021 | Competition, Far Out, Float stories, Meditation, Pain Relief, Relaxation
Hello everyone, Why do I love floating? The main reason is because it is what it is: FLOATING – no weight, no stress, nothing else to do, no one else to consider – just like a trip through the white clouds. I always come away relaxed, refreshed with...
by floatintheforest | May 27, 2021 | Far Out, Float stories, Meditation, Pain Relief, Relaxation
Out of this world relaxation My watch buzzes urgently with an insignificant notification. My phone chirrups its retort, reminding of things neither urgent nor significant. A short pause, then a further beep alerts the arrival of a message also in need of no urgent...
by floatintheforest | Nov 13, 2020 | Float in the Forest update, Health, Mental Health, Pain Relief, Recovery, Relaxation, Sleep
Updated 11th Sep 2021 Protecting your health We have all learned a lot about the coronavirus and COVID-19. Knowledge can dispel fear. We have taken scientific advice from expert sources, and are doing some things a little bit differently in order to best protect your...
by floatintheforest | May 15, 2020 | Float stories, Health, Pain Relief, Recovery, Relaxation, Therapies
Floating – a journey into self discovery My floating journey started 1 year ago when the Float Centre in the Forest of Dean first opened. I was sceptical and nervous as I suffer from claustrophobia but from the moment you enter theCentre – Shari and Will owners...
by floatintheforest | Mar 30, 2020 | Float stories, Health, Pain Relief, Recovery, Relaxation
What does floating mean to me? If I had to sum it up in a single word, it would be freedom. I could talk about all the usual stuff – peace and quiet and taking time for myself and relaxing and achieving a deeper meditation – which is all fantastic and well...
by floatintheforest | Aug 2, 2018 | Common concerns, Far Out, Health, Meditation, Mental Clarity, Mental Health, Pain Relief, Performance, Recovery, Relaxation, Sleep, Sports
“How long does a float last?” The length of a float can vary between different float centres. But the most common in the UK is one hour, and that’s how long a standard float is at Float in the Forest. You may not be used to dedicating this time to...