My name’s Shari, I’m one of the Co-Founders of Float in the Forest, and I wanted to tell you a bit about why I love running a float centre…

One of my favourite things about running the float centre is getting to meet all you lovely people! We get all sorts of people come to float – such a wide variety of ages, gender, reasons for floating… People come to float from the Forest of Dean, from around Gloucestershire and surrounding counties, and people even come from all over the country on holiday.

It is so satisfying to see the difference in people before and after their floats (the post-float bliss is a real thing!), and I feel privileged to hear their stories if they want to share them.

A range of people who float

I’m a great proponent of the benefits of floatng, so I love that I get to do a job I’m passionate about, and to share those benefits with so many people.

Of course I also get to float regularly myself, which helps me to manage my own stress, to look after my body, and to ‘walk the talk’!

Tranquil purple float pod
I enjoy being creative, getting stuck into designing this website and creating images for our social media.

I am very proud that our centre is like a mini art gallery, displaying stunning art works by local artists Monique Oliver and Sara Ulyatt amongst others.  We also encourage people to indulge in the simple pleasures of colouring-in or to be creative in the journals after their floats.

Hidden Gems by Monique Oliver
Every day is different in the float centre – time flies by and there’s certainly no time for clock-watching! Having your own business always brings its own challenges and learning curves, so I’m always learning something new and it keeps me (fairly) mentally and physically fit.

I get to work alongside Will, who you may know is my life partner as well as my business partner. We’ve been together since 1996 and he still keeps me entertained. Thankfully we discovered that our skills compliment each other at work pretty well too! We also get to have our wonderful dog Chai at work with us (mostly you wouldn’t know she’s here, and you can rest assured she goes nowhere near the float pods).

Ultimately I find it very satisfying that we had a dream to set up a float centre, and we created this wonderful space out of nothing. I am so grateful to everyone who believes in that vision and comes to float with us.

Shari, Will & Chai in the woods

I’m looking forward to hosting your next float!


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