“What do I wear while I’m floating?”
This is a common question
Many people wonder what to wear when floating, and we realise the answer may not be obvious. If you look at photos of people floating, including on this website, some of them show people wearing swimming costumes.
We don’t want to offend anyone, so we don’t generally use photos of naked people!

You can wear nothing
Most people do float naked, and this is for several reasons.
Swimwear can be unsanitary
Firstly, if a swimming costume has not been cleaned thoroughly in between uses, it could bring bacteria or pool chemicals into the pod.
Not wearing one can help make it easier for us to keep the water clean.

Fabric can be distracting
Secondly, we don’t want there to be any distractions during your float.
Can you feel your clothes right now? Maybe a seam is rubbing, a belt is digging in, something is just a bit too tight, or you’re wearing a slightly itchy fabric? Your preferences for fabric type may even affect your choice of what to wear.
Distractions from your clothing can be pleasant (for example a soft fabric can feel lovely), or unpleasant, as described above.
Whenever you are wearing clothes, a small part of your awareness will be noticing them, even if only subconsciously. In the float pod, when that is the only sensation you are aware of, it can be hard to ignore.

We aim to minimise distractions
At Float in the Forest we work hard to create an opportunity for you to escape distractions. This is why we aim to provide an environment with as little sound and light as possible.
Of course, if any of that worries you, you can leave the light on or the pod door open: you are in control.
The water in the pod is kept at skin temperature. You may find after a while that you can’t tell where your body ends and the water begins.
This unique situation can help you to reach a meditative state during your float, and not being distracted by clothing can help with that.

You can relax in privacy
It’s quite possible that you’re worried about feeling self-conscious, and that is understandable, but there is no need for concern.
You can lock the door from the inside if you wish, and your room is private.
Would you wear a swimming costume in the bath?

However… if in spite of all this you’d still rather wear a swimming costume while you float, that’s ok. Please just make sure it is clean.